Submitted question covered in this blog:
"Can you describe other plants used for baneful workings?"
This question is referring to the previous blog post: About Green Witchcraft. Thank you for this submission. Although, I do not think I should fully explain in a post how I do baneful workings with specific plants, what I can speak to are some of the plants in which I do work with within workings of somewhat of a baneful nature. Please keep in mind that my own associations with plants may be different from your own - and that's ok! We are all different.
You may be wondering, 'But, why would I even do baneful workings in the first place?'
Well... As a grey practitioner looking from the perspective of balance, I feel sometimes a slight negative influence can act as a friendly nudge to move in a more positive direction. As the expression goes, "The journey is most often the lesson itself". My influencing someone's journey along their way can help to learn more quickly from mistakes made, or lessons learned as they present themselves. As explained in this other previous blog entry: About controlling free will.
Here are some of the plants that I associate and have worked with in baneful workings. All of these plants grow naturally right in my own back yard that are available to me through their growing seasons. Non were planted by me. But rather, presented to me by spreading into my property through natural process of nature.
Commonly worked with baneful associations:

Named for how when it grows, this plant stretches out across the ground in many directions feeling for other plants. When find, it grows up the plant in a spiraling fashion literally binding the plant. This vine is often used in conjoint with some binding rituals.

Woody Nightshade
Not as toxic as other similar sounding named Nightshade plants, this local vine is still poisonous, in particular to the berries that are produced in the late summer. The roots and older growth create a strong woody base that new foulage sprouts from. Can be a handy resource for hexes, in particular if working against another magickal practitioner.

Remnants from last season's cone flowers
Seemingly worthless and discarded, the remnants and left overs from the flowers and plants from last year can be useful when working with baneful intentions to help keep consistency of energies in a spell, or if the purpose was to drain, deplete or exhaust, etc. (providing no longer holding any seeds nor source of nutrients)

Many don't realize that buttercups are actually phototoxic, making the resins in the plant to cause skin to become sensitive to ultraviolet light from the sun resulting in minor burns or irritation of the skin to form. Known for use with divination and finding out the truth. Remember that kids' game, "Do you like butter?" while holding a single flower under the chin of an acused individual? Yup - witchcraft!!!

Due to the prickly defensive spikes of the Thistle it can not only be used in protections. But, as well as in more baneful workings. The milky latex-like juices of the salks and stems can also be used in spells relating to banishment or establishing boundaries. Handle with care when working with this plant as, it isn't poisonous, however each little spike can sting for a moment after an initial prick in the skin. To cure the stinging, run a plantain leaf across the surface of skin that has been affected.
Although, more used for healing and not baneful workings, plantain is also readily available around my home, and is very useful in my practice. This is what plantain looks like:

Plantain (late summer view)
The above is just a handful of some brief descriptions of some of the different plants that are available to me just a few steps away from my home's entrances. Getting to know the plants in your local area and how they resonated with you, is how to build on to the associations in which can be worked with within magickal workings.
Thank you for visiting my website and for reading my blog. It is very much appriciated, and I do hope that you find the sharing of perspectives is helpful. If you have questions please don't hesitate to submit them to:
Many blessings!
Thank you very much Bryan. Very helpful.