Do you remember YOUR first spell?
Chances are, you've already done spells whether you consider yourself a witch, or not.
Many non magickal people of the general public do witchcraft regularly, at least annually, without even realizing it.
For example:
Wishes on flying parachute-seeds caught in the wind. - hmm, could it be witchcraft?
Placing a buttercup under someone's chin to determine if they are lieing when asked, "do you like butter?" - Seems alot like Witchcraft!
Picking off the pettles of a daisy flower one by one in order to determine the answer to a yes/no question. - That looks witchcraft to me!
Making a wish on candles and then blowing out the candles on top of a birthday cake after circling friends and family sing and chant. Then, everyone shares the cake together. - That's definately witchcraft!!!
Sooo... that being said, I ask again:
"Do you remember YOUR first spell?"
Spellwork is powered by intention. Intention can be defined by associations and that energy of the workings built upon in the craft to be released to manifest.
The more personally satisfying a spell is, the more likely that it will be successful. This is why many do spells unsuccessfully and do not experience anything to come from it, or do not see any results right away. If you do not even beleive in the magick that you are casting, you will NOT be successful.
Always, follow your instincts.
Trust your intuition.
Blessed be.
It should be mentioned, that many witches try to obey what's known as, "The Law of Three". This means that anything sent out can reflect back three times fold (3x stronger). So, for example, sending a blessing if healing to a friend may return to you healing blessings tripled in strength. It also works the same way with negative energy. Sending out a curse, as another example, may return negativity back to the caster in a way that is worse then the intention sent out.
Whether believing in the Law of The or not, witches generally believe in doing what they will causing no harm to anyone.
The primary rule or law that most witches follow known as the Wiccan Rede
Basically, this text is often minimized to the final two lines:
"...Eight words ye Wiccan Rede fulfill: An' it harm none, do what ye will."
Examples of spellwork:
Example of a ritual:
Blog entry about 'The Power of Witchcraft':