The Wheel of the Year

​Wolf/Storm Moon
January Full Moon
Dark Quiet Moon
January New Moon
February 1st. The first signs of spring in which are celebrated and dedications are made for the next full turn of the wheel. Also known as Ground Hogs Day
Snow/Ice Moon
February Full Moon
Dark Hunger Moon
February New Moon
Worm/Crow Moon
March Full Moon
Dark Seed Moon
March New Moon
March 21st. Light and darkness are again in balance during the spring equinox, with light on the rise. It is a time of new beginnings and of life emerging further from winter.
Hare/Pink Moon
April Full Moon
Dark Planting Moon
April New Moon
May 1st. Celebrating the power of life in its fullness, the greening and blooming of the world as spring flourishes.
Flower/Milk Moon
May Full Moon
Dark Ninth Moon
May New Moon
Mead/Strawberry Moon
June Full Moon
Dark Strawberry Moon
June New Moon
June 21st - 24th. As the summer solstice this time is considered the turning point at which summer reaches its height and the sun shines longest.
Hay/Buck Moon
July Full Moon
Dark Blessings Moon
July New Moon
August 1st. A feast of thanksgiving symbolizing the fruits of the first of three harvest festivals.
Sturgeon/Barely Moon
August Full Moon
Dark Harvest Moon
August New Moon
Corn/Harvest Moon
September Full Moon
Dark Singing Moon
September New Moon
September 21st. During the time if the autumn Equinox, a feast of thanksgiving for the fruits of the earth and a recognition of the need to share them during the coming winter months.
Blood/Hunter's Moon
October Full Moon
Dark Falling-Leaf Moon
October New Moon
October 31st. A time to celebrate the lives of those who have passed on, and it often involves paying respect to ancestors, family members, elders of the faith, friends, pets, and other loved ones who have died.
Beaver/Oak Moon
November Full Moon
Dark Dead Moon
November New Moon
Cold/Long-Night Moon
December Full Moon
Dark Snow Moon
December New Moon
December 21st - 24th. During the winter solstice, there is feasting, and gift giving as common elements of Midwinter festivities. Bringing sprigs and wreaths inside to decorate the home as well as the decoration of a Yule tree are also common in celebration.