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My Humanist Wiccan practice

by Bryan Stafford.


Writing this allows me to reflect on how I strive to make my own positive impact in the world by facilitating in person and online gatherings called Sacred Meadow Circle.  These gatherings are where I advocate my secular perspectives and atheist points of view with people who are aligning older mystic beliefs with modern developing scientific understandings. Or, are rethinking a traditional Wiccan way of life.  What was once referred to as “Mystic” long ago is now studied as “Science” today.  Such concepts like “magick”, “spell work” and “divination”, for example, can be mostly explained by psychology.  Our thoughts and emotions can influence our actions and behaviours, which can influence the results from what we achieve within the physical reality of our lives. In my view a successful magickal experience described by most who identify as witches or Wiccans alike can be explained by this indirect connection between the mind and the body.  This has been demonstrated in the teachings of the prominent psychologist and psychoanalyst Carl Jung.


Wicca and Humanism both include many diverse perspectives:


 I recognize from my involvement with the Sacred Meadow Circle group gatherings that there are many different kinds of Wiccans. Most rely on personal experience, intuition and instinct. Generally following a rede which emphasizes non-maleficence (“an it harm none, do what ye will”), those who identify as Wiccan try to do no harm and support others looking for guidance or help.  In conversations I am often discussing and advocating secularism to others and regularly demystifying certain concepts of the supernatural. 


From my interactions with Humanist Canada I’ve learned that there are many different forms of Humanism.  While some humanists accept some concept of human spirituality (in a non-religious sense), others do not.  Most Humanists value ethical living, doing good for others, and placing emphasis on experience, logic and evidence.  Conversations tend to focus on equality, justice, and those in need of support in the world.   â€‹


Throughout each critical thinking is encouraged as well as using reason to guide one’s actions.   


My traditions have taught me a great deal in the ways in which I relate and identify as a Humanist-Wiccan. While most Wiccans have strong beliefs in deities, I do not.  I have always viewed deities as symbolic representations of different aspects of one’s own human nature.  When one mentally personifies the different inner-parts of themselves, for example, it may provide an easier way to relate to and get to know that specific piece of their subconscious self more clearly.  It's all about the ability of the human mind, not special supernatural powers.  Dedicating myself to this secular form of Wicca was a personal choice eight years ago.  Over many years before that I had explored practices from different traditions and continually not feeling accepted for my atheistic perspectives.  And so, I eventually found for myself a unique developmental path that resonated with me personally as someone who's humanist beliefs emphasize logic, reason, and ethics, with reverence for nature, humaneness, and balance between all genders. The concept and principles of humanism have shaped the foundations and structure of my life. I have always lived on the value that people should be treated with dignity and respect, regardless of background or belief.  Learning from my own experiences have taught me to use reason and logic as my primary tools for understanding and solving life's challenges. My framework for understanding the world is hugely informed by scientific research.  It is my personal and strong belief that one day science will be able to explain and help better understand such concepts as instinct, intuition, meditation and manifestation and legitimize their benefits. I place my faith in science and in the spirit of reason.  While I very much still value and appreciate rituals, symbolism, and nature connectedness, I also embrace values of critical thinking, appreciation for knowledge, individual liberty, and empathy for others within my day-to-day life. 


Personal Opinion:


In my personal beliefs and practices, my focus has always remained on ethical self empowerment as human beings, nature and centers on the inherent worth of myself as a citizen as well as each and every other individual fellow person that I interact with.  I feel that these values strongly align with Humanist's focus on equality, living in harmony with nature, and personal responsibility.  After researching and realizing more about the historical movement with this philosophical stance, I discovered Humanist Canada over two years ago and became a member in May 2023. 


I approach the role of a Humanist Wiccan Devotee of the Sacred Meadow Circle tradition with a sense of honour, a strong acceptance of diversity and a compassionate nature. I maintain a relatable and approachable demeanor during ritual and ceremony to reflect the moments, seasons, life’s passages and personal milestones, etc.  It is understood that whether it be during conversation, consultation, crafting a symbolic ritual or leading in ceremony, there deserves a special acknowledgement of the importance of each moment. Not from a religious perspective. But, from an empathic outlook and affirmation of human empowerment during life’s developmental stages. I  incorporate a complimentary mix of Wiccan and Humanist principles to create meaningful and personalized transitions that resonate deeply with the special occasion whether it be a naming ceremony, handfasting or commitment ritual, memorial or celebration of life event, etc. It is understood that while incredibly rewarding, the role also comes with challenges.  However, my ability to remain calm and maintain boundaries while dealing with unexpected, difficult or emotional situations compliment the continuous learning and development for everyone.


Ultimately, my journey as a Humanist-Wiccan is one of constant exploration and growth. It is a path marked by a profound respect for both the natural world and being human. By merging the critical thinking of Humanism with the reverence for nature and community found in Wicca, I have cultivated a worldview that centers on empathy, ethical living, and personal empowerment.


Sacred Meadow Circle:


My involvement with the Sacred Meadow Circle has provided a platform for me to share these values with others, fostering a community that embraces diversity, encourages intellectual curiosity, and invites Humanism. As I continue to learn and evolve, I am excited about the potential to contribute to the Humanist movement celebrating the human experience. 



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